Thursday, April 12, 2018

OSANG, Talismans Collezione Preziosa

Today I am wearing Osang, by Talismans Collezione Preziosa. Osang has been a special scent for me since I smelled it for the first time. In the beginning, wearing it made me anxious in some kind of way, that mix between anxious and nervous. Still, I loved it, I felt connected to it. It was like Osang crawled under my skin.

After a while I realized that maybe I should change my perspective about when to wear Osang. I have been struggling with depressions and anxiety on and off my whole life, more or less anxious is kind of my mood base line. I have learnt to live with it, in the background or in the foreground, depending on which day it is. I started wearing Osang on those days when my anxiety levels already were high. At that point something happened. Osang turned into my own anxiety, the one I'm familiar with, and worked as a shield against the bad anxiety coming from the outside. Osang made me feel safe. 

Regarding tactile sensations and texture, Osang brings me the feeling of clay. The feeling of your fingers going back and forth over a piece of half-dried clay. Neither dry nor wet, even though it leans more towards dry. It's a mixture of roughness, dry dustiness, still something a bit wet and cold. Looking at your fingers after touching it, putting your fingers together, rubbing them against each other, a scraping sound and a feeling that is a bit unpleasant and fascinating at the same time. 

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